Monday, May 9, 2011

God's Blessings

     This morning while I was praying, I was struck by all the things I am thankful for. The things, I too often, take for granted. I remember a friend telling me about a book she was reading called A Thousand Gifts.  I also recall seeing a link on a friend’s blog about A Thousand Gifts. So, I thought I would simply list some of the things I am thankful for today. They are in random order after the first few because they would be too hard to organize otherwise. 

I am thankful for. . . . .
1.       God’s love for me.
2.       Christ’s sacrifice for me.
3.       His mercy and grace each day.
4.       Being part of a church whose focus is on God and not itself. Wanting to serve, rather than to be served.
5.       Friends who are such an encouragement and inspiration to me daily.
6.       Steve, my husband of 25 years, and the 3 sons we have been blessed with.
7.       My children who love God with all their hearts.
8.       That God has placed a love in Drew, Bryan and Nathan’s hearts to teach and serve others.
9.       Kari, my dear daughter-in-law who loves both God and Drew,(in that order) with every ounce of her being.
10.   Sarah, who has brought such joy and fulfillment to Bryan. For her obvious love for God and Bryan and all those around her.

I am thankful for:
11.   The beautiful sunshine I am sitting in as I write this list.
12.   The vivid colors of the flowers in Spring.
13.   The long, luscious green grass that surrounds my home.
14.   A lawnmower that runs to cut that grass.
15.   The home that I live in.
16.   Electricity to have lights, refrigeration, and heating/air conditioning.
17.   The ability to pay the bill for that electricity.
18.   For food which fills the refrigerator and the ability to cook that food.
19.   For family and friends to share meals with.
20.   For coupons :)

I am thankful for:
21.   Rain which allows flowers to grow.
22.   Rain that resupplies reservoirs so I have water when I turn on the faucet.
23.   Rain which cleans the pollen out of the air.
24.   My early morning job of delivering papers.
25.   The van which I use to deliver those papers.
26.   Gas in that van and air in the tires.
27.   The friends that I have made who also deliver papers in the morning.
28.   The opportunity to share God with those friends.
29.   The customers whom I have met, many of who have been blessings in disguise!
30.   The income from delivering papers, though small, that helps to pay the bills.

I am thankful for:
31.   Nathan, who just asked me to come do something with him FOR FUN. :)
32.   Getting home this afternoon in time to find the utility man marking my yard when he was supposed to be marking a neighbor’s yard.
33.   Above reminded me to be thankful for the gas and cable lines which he had so colorfully marked!
34.   My car that just died, did it in a parking lot and NOT while Nathan was driving it!
35.   Insurance that has towing assistance included.
36.   A cell phone to be able to call for assistance.
37.   The many people who stopped to see if I need a jump. (Not the problem.)  
38. That we are in a safe place to be stranded! 
39. Being able to laugh with my oldest son about the car breaking down.
40. A safe place to sleep tonight.

There are so many more things . . . . 
                                                    . . . . . . much more to come.

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