Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How are we seen?

On Sunday nights, some friends and I are in a Bible study from the Inductive Study Series on II Timothy. Part of the study included making lists of what we learned about Paul and Timothy from the Scripture. Then the book asked the questions, "What attributes did Paul ascribe to Timothy? Of these attributes, which ones describe you? Which ones don't describe you? What could you change in your life to make the missing attributes become an accurate description of you?"

Making the list seemed like an easy task. But it was interesting how we each focused of different things. 

There were very specific things listed. . . .
     was beloved son (1:2)
     had a sincere faith (1:5)
     followed my (Paul's) teaching (3:10)
     continued in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom  you have learned them (3:14)

There were other things that were implied. . . .

      was faithful to Paul when others had deserted him (1:15)
     was trustworthy (the treasure was entrusted to him (1:14)
     was a teacher (2:2)
     had discernment (Could discern faithful men who could teach others) (2:2)

     Timothy was obviously a good friend to Paul. Timothy was dependable, reliable, encouraging, compassionate. Paul was imprisoned and knew he would die soon, and he wanted Timothy at his side! What a friend he must have been!

Which attributes describe us?
      Do we have a sincere faith? Or is a convenience faith? Does it make a difference in how I live every moment of every day? Or just on Sunday morning?
     Do we follow what we have been taught by the Master? Does our relationship with God affect our actions? 
     Are we faithful, even when persecuted? I know we don't really experience much persecution in America for  our faith. So why is it that we pray quickly over a meal in a restaurant (if at all)? We hesitate to take a stand when a friend may be offended? We sometimes hide behind the idea of lifestyle evangelism, instead of telling someone about Christ?
    Are we faithful to God even when others turn away? When a brother or sister strays, do we ignore it? Do we say anything? Do we figure we'll just pray for them? What if God urges us to take an active stance? Are we willing to take the chance? 
    Are we a good friend? Reliable? Encouraging? Compassionate? Do others want to have us around ? 

What changes do we need to make to become the people God intended us to be?

Lots to think about! and PRAY over!

Have a Blessed Day!

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